Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Backup Report from Catalog

I] Query the RMAN catalog to check backup status:

This script will query the RMAN catalog and report on the backup status of every database in the catalog.
set lines 80
set pages 250
ttitle "Daily Backup........"
select DB NAME,dbid,
NVL(TO_CHAR(max(backuptype_db),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'),'01/01/0001:00:00') DBBKP,
NVL(TO_CHAR(max(backuptype_arch),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'),'01/01/0001:00:00') ARCBKP
from (
select DB,dbid,
max(b.completion_time)) BACKUPTYPE_db,
max(b.completion_time)) BACKUPTYPE_arch
from rc_database a,bs b
where a.db_key=b.db_key
and b.bck_type is not null
and b.bs_key not in(Select bs_key from rc_backup_controlfile
where AUTOBACKUP_DATE is not null or AUTOBACKUP_SEQUENCE is not null)
and b.bs_key not in(select bs_key from rc_backup_spfile)
group by,dbid,b.bck_type
) group by db,dbid
ORDER BY least(to_date(DBBKP,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'),
to_date(ARCBKP,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'));

II]  Query the RMAN catalog to list backup completion status

Note – run this query connected as the owner of the RMAN catalog

set lines 80
set pages 250
ttitle "Daily Backup........"
select DB NAME,dbid,NVL(TO_CHAR(max(backuptype_db),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'),'01/01/0001:00:00') DBBKP,
NVL(TO_CHAR(max(backuptype_arch),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'),'01/01/0001:00:00') ARCBKP
from (
select DB,dbid,
decode(b.bck_type,'D',max(b.completion_time),'I', max(b.completion_time)) BACKUPTYPE_db,
decode(b.bck_type,'L',max(b.completion_time)) BACKUPTYPE_arch
from rc_database a,bs b
where a.db_key=b.db_key
and b.bck_type is not null
and b.bs_key not in(Select bs_key from rc_backup_controlfile where AUTOBACKUP_DATE
is not null or AUTOBACKUP_SEQUENCE is not null)
and b.bs_key not in(select bs_key from rc_backup_spfile)
group by,dbid,b.bck_type
) group by db,dbid
ORDER BY least(to_date(DBBKP,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'),to_date(ARCBKP,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI'))

Backup Report from database side

Script to report on all backups - full, incremental and archivelog backups:

set linesize 2000
col STATUS format a9
col hrs format 999.99
select SESSION_KEY, INPUT_TYPE, STATUS, to_char(START_TIME,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi') start_time, to_char(END_TIME,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi') end_time, elapsed_seconds/3600 hrs, STATUS from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS order by session_key;

Script to report on all backups - full, incrementals, not archivelog backups:

set linesize 2000
col STATUS format a9
col hrs format 999.99
select SESSION_KEY, INPUT_TYPE, STATUS, to_char(START_TIME,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi') start_time, to_char(END_TIME,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi') end_time, elapsed_seconds/3600 hrs, STATUS from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS where input_type='DB INCR' order by session_key;

I] Script to report on all backupsets:

select decode(backup_type, 'L', 'Archive Log', 'D', 'Full', 'Incremental') backup_type,
round(sum(original_input_bytes)/1024/1024,2) "MB in",
round(sum(output_bytes)/1024/1024,2) "MB out",
round((sum(output_bytes)/1024/1024)/((max(completion_time)-min(start_time))*86400), 1) "MB/s"
from v$backup_set_details
group by backup_type, incremental_level, status, session_key, session_recid, session_stamp
order by 6

II] Script to report on all backupsets:

 select ctime "Date"
 , decode(backup_type, 'L', 'Archive Log', 'D', 'Full', 'Incremental') backup_type
 , bsize "Size MB"
 from (select trunc(bp.completion_time) ctime
 , backup_type
 , round(sum(bp.bytes/1024/1024),2) bsize
 from v$backup_set bs, v$backup_piece bp
 where bs.set_stamp = bp.set_stamp
 and bs.set_count  = bp.set_count
 and bp.status = 'A'
 group by trunc(bp.completion_time), backup_type)
 order by 1, 2;