1> Here's a comparison of the hardware specifications of Exadata X3 and X8:
Hardware Component Exadata X3 Exadata X8
CPU Intel Xeon E5-2690 2.9 GHz 8-core Intel Xeon Gold 6230 2.1 GHz 20-core
Memory 512 GB DDR3 1.5 TB DDR4
Storage 22 TB Raw Flash Storage + 168 TB Raw Disk Storage 44 TB Raw Flash Storage + 720 TB Raw Disk Storage
As one can see, the CPU in Exadata X8 has more cores than Exadata X3, which allows it to process more workloads in parallel. The memory capacity is also higher in Exadata X8, which enables it to store and access more data at a faster rate. The storage capacity of Exadata X8 is significantly higher than Exadata X3, which means it can accommodate larger databases.
To convert Exadata X3 to X8, one would need to consider the ratio of each hardware component to ensure a smooth upgrade. For example, if one want to upgrade the CPU, one would need to calculate the ratio of cores and clock speed between the two models to ensure that the new CPU is compatible with the existing motherboard and other components.
2> To calculate the ratio of cores and clock speed between the two models, we can use the following formula:
(Cores X New Clock Speed) / (Old Cores X Old Clock Speed) = Ratio
For example, let's calculate the ratio for the CPUs of Exadata X3 and X8:
Exadata X3 CPU:
Cores: 8
Clock Speed: 2.9 GHz
Exadata X8 CPU:
Cores: 20
Clock Speed: 2.1 GHz
Ratio calculation:
(20 cores X 2.1 GHz) / (8 cores X 2.9 GHz) = 1.81
Therefore, the ratio of cores and clock speed between the Exadata X3 and X8 CPUs is approximately 1.81. This means that the new CPU in Exadata X8 is about 1.81 times faster than the CPU in Exadata X3, which should provide a significant performance improvement.
However, it's important to note that upgrading the CPU alone may not be sufficient for a successful migration, as other hardware components such as memory and storage may also need to be upgraded to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.
3> Here are the memory and storage specifications for Exadata X3 and X8:
Exadata X3:
Memory: 512 GB DDR3
Storage: 22 TB Raw Flash Storage + 168 TB Raw Disk Storage
Exadata X8:
Memory: 1.5 TB DDR4
Storage: 44 TB Raw Flash Storage + 720 TB Raw Disk Storage
To calculate the ratio of memory and storage between the two models, we can use the following formula:
(New Memory or Storage / Old Memory or Storage) = Ratio
a) Memory Ratio Calculation:
(1.5 TB DDR4) / (512 GB DDR3) = 2.93
Therefore, the ratio of memory between the Exadata X3 and X8 is approximately 2.93. This means that the memory in Exadata X8 is almost three times larger than the memory in Exadata X3.
b) Storage Ratio Calculation:
(44 TB Raw Flash Storage + 720 TB Raw Disk Storage) / (22 TB Raw Flash Storage + 168 TB Raw Disk Storage) = 4.49
Therefore, the ratio of storage between the Exadata X3 and X8 is approximately 4.49. This means that the storage in Exadata X8 is almost 4.5 times larger than the storage in Exadata X3.
It's important to note that when upgrading from Exadata X3 to X8, it's not just about the raw size of the memory and storage, but also the technology used. For example, DDR4 memory is faster and more power-efficient than DDR3, and flash storage is faster than disk storage. Upgrading to Exadata X8 will provide both larger memory and storage capacities, as well as access to faster and more efficient technology.
Source: Based on my experience, I referred the hardware specifications for Exadata X3 and X8 are publicly available on the Oracle website and other sources, and the calculations are basic mathematical formulas that are commonly used to compare hardware specifications. However, any confirmed information will be coming from Oracle Support.
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